Create your first app with Softr & Notion

Do you want to build workflows that use your Notion data without giving access to your workspace ?

A Dashboard for Investors ? A Portal for your clients ? An easy to use Interface for your Frontline Workers on the jobsite ? All of this is possible with Softr, an app builder that now uses Notion as a data source.

Do you want to try and build your first app ? But you don't know how and where to start ? We've got all you need to get you started.

How we will help you create your first app with our easy 3-steps process 👇🏻

1/ To help you get started, we first provide a Notion template with example data.

2/ You start building your first app following the step-by-step instructions we offer in the companion videos.

3/ Based on what we already built together, you improve your first app by adding more and more functionalities, screens and workflows.

The Notion template to get you started

5 databases, tons of example data to play with, all relations created, all hacks included. Duplicate the template in your workspace, then...

Connect Softr to your database and build

...Follow along the step-by-step video instructions to connect Softr to your Notion Workspace and databases and build your first actual app.

Improve your app and add workflows

3/ Based on what we already built together, you improve your first app by adding more and more functionalities, screens and workflows.

It is now finally possible to allow your team to work in Notion and provide public, but restricted, access to your data for those who need it.